How CaFE Determines the Payment Bank Account for Cash Projections

Nori -

Payment Account Selection Rule for Cash Projections

CaFE controls and calculates future cash flows and balances by bank account.

For more accurate cash projections, allocating future payment information to the correct bank account is crucial.

The decision on the payment account is made in the following order of priority:

  1. Payment Bank Account in your accounting system
  2. Marking Key
  3. Payment Bank Account in the monitored budget (*1)
  4. Main Bank Account (*2)


1. Payment Bank Account in your accounting system

If the payment account information has already been specified in the accounting system, CaFE will apply that account information as it stands, regardless of any other settings below.



2. Marking Key

A Marking Key is designed for linking an invoice/bill transaction to a specific bank account or credit card, in order to make your cash projections more accurate. This setting has the highest priority in determining the payment account for the cash projections.


To specify in which bank account a transaction should be recorded, a Marking Key can assist you. By setting a Marking Key on transactions, you can allocate them correctly, hence achieving more accurate cash projections by bank account.

For more details about Marking Key, refer to "What is a Marking key?" 



3. Payment Bank Account in the monitored budget (*1)

The budget planner allows for payment accounts to be set up for each budget item. When creating a budget, the payment account for each item is automatically set based on past transaction history, but can be changed later as appropriate.


If it is not a transaction specified by the Marking Key above, CaFE will give priority to the payment account information specified here.

For more details about how to change the payment bank account setting, see the following articles:


(*1) Currently, within the Full Budget feature, only forecast information based on the budget (specifically, forecasts marked with a 'Planned' status in the cash projections) is influenced by the settings. For other transactions, particularly those imported from the accounting system, the payment account settings established in the Full Budget do not apply.



4. Main Bank Account (*2)

All the transactions such as sales and purchases invoices which will be paid off in the future go to your Main Bank Account in CaFE unless specified in the ways above.


To set your Main Bank Account, go to:

Settings (in the header menu) -> Bank Accounts -> Select your main bank account from the list  -> Click Update


Please note that you can set only one bank account with your home currency as the Main Bank Account. Therefore, it is efficient if you set your most heavily used main bank account for payments and settlements as the Main Bank Account.


(*2) For FreeAgent users, the primary bank account in FreeAgent is automatically selected as the main bank account in CaFE and it cannot be changed.



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