Welcome to Cash flow CaFE

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Welcome to the introduction page of Cash flow CaFE, your ultimate cash management tool. This product is designed to simplify and optimize your cash flow management. Whether you are a business owner or financial manager, CaFE empowers you to take full control of your financial data and make informed decisions.


Getting Started with CaFE

Our intro video will guide you through the initial steps of getting started with Cash flow CaFE. It offers a visual guide on how to integrate CaFE with your accounting system, navigate the Summary, and utilize the features to improve your cash flow management.

Welcome to Cash Flow CaFE


What you'll learn in the video:

  • Seamless Integration: Learn how CaFE automatically syncs with your accounting system, making the setup process effortless.
  • Summary Screen: Discover the overview of your company’s financial health including overall balances, cash flows, and alerts.
  • Cash Flow Planning: Understand the different types of cash flow plans that can be created, and how they can help in informed decision-making.
  • Cash Short Predictor: Get introduced to this powerful tool that displays cash flows and simulates various scenarios for better cash flow management.
  • Action Alerts: Learn how to set up alerts to proactively manage your cash flow and receive notifications for potential cash short risks.

For more detailed introduction, please read the introduction article here.


Your Next Steps

Once you have signed up for CaFE, it is important to take the following steps to make the most out of the tool:

  • Review Cash Projections: Navigate to the Forecast tab within CaFE to understand your company's cash flow trends and future cash positions. This helps in making proactive decisions.

  • Adjust your Cash Flow Plan: Use the Budget Planner(*) in CaFE to review and make any necessary adjustments to your cash flow plan. Tailor it according to your business needs.
  • Create Custom Scenarios: Be prepared for different financial situations by creating custom scenarios in the Budget Planner. This helps in assessing potential outcomes and making informed decisions.

  • Set Up Action Alerts: To stay proactive, set up action alerts within CaFE. These alerts will notify you via email if there are any potential risks detected in your cash flow.


Need Help?

Our support team is here to assist you at every step of the way. If you have any questions or need further assistance with Cash flow CaFE, don't hesitate to reach out to us.


Wishing you successful cash flow planning with CaFE!


* Currently, Budget Planner is only available for XERO and FreeAgent users

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