What is Action Alert?

Nori -

What is Notification function in CaFE?

In CaFE, an email is sent to your email account when critical cash flow information is recognised. With this function, you will not miss the critical information even if you do not log in.




What is notified?

There are 4 types of notification: 

Lowest in 30 Days

When a company's cash projection is expected to be less than or equal to a threshold in next 30 days, an alert will be sent.


Cash Shortfall in 3 Months

When risky cash transactions are made, which may lead to a cash shortfall, within the following 3 months, an alert will be sent based on its critical level.

The alert shows a possible cash short timing, amount and, if any, related critical cash-in transactions in nearest future.

For more information, please refer to Cash Flow Risk section in here.


Unreconciled Count/Amount

When unreconciled transactions count/amount in bank statements in the last 3 months exceeds a threshold, an alert will be sent.


When is the notification sent?

The notification email is sent just after the daily update job in CaFE, which runs after midnight in UK time.


How to Set up

The notification settings can be set under Alert Preferences (click bell mark on the right of the top bar, then click Alert Preferences).


For each of the alert types, you can select if it is notified or not, as well as the threshold values.

Besides, you can turn off all the notification, if the switch beside the left on the name is set to off. 

(For professional users, you have an option to set all the notification off for all clients by switch off the Email Notification switch on right top).

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