Release 14.12.2020

Fumi -

Release Note for the release 14.12.2020

New Features

- Budget Planner for FreeAgent [Business/Enterprise plan only]

We are pleased to announce that Budget Planner is now available for FreeAgent users.


What is Budget Planner?

Budget Planner allows you to plan your profits, cash flow and balance sheet for up to 12 months in advance with just a few simple clicks.

You can either use the plan that is output, which will be based on previous levels of income and expenditure, or use it as a base and start editing it to match what you think might happen in the coming period. Either way, you can say goodbye to unwieldy spreadsheets and formulas.

Once your budget is set, you can delve deeper into your forecasting and easily monitor your performance and cash health. A traffic light system of Green, Amber or Red will quickly draw your eye to the areas that are going well and those that might need attention.

That's one more step to making your life easier!mceclip0.png


Log in to your CaFE account now and try it for yourself.

Try Budget Planner now


Improvements & Changes

- Updates on the Budget planner [Xero & FreeAgent users only]
We have introduced a new look and feel in the Budget planner to make it easier and clearer. If you have any feedback, please let us know!

In addition, we have added some improvements as below.

  • One step new budget creation
    Previously there were three steps to create a new draft budget, you can now create it by a simple one click.
  • Monitoring status control
    You can now control the monitoring status of each budget on the budget screen after authorising it.
    (previously it was available only in the budget list screen)
  • Period total amounts (PL & Cash Flow)
    You can now see a period total amount of each item on the right side of the PL and Cash Flow tables.
  • Monthly total amounts (Cash Flow)
    You can now see monthly total amounts on the bottom of the Cash Flow table.
  • Ratio of gross margin and net margin (PL)
    You can now see Gross margin ratio and Net margin ratio in the PL table.


- Multi-currency bills support [FreeAgent users only]
CaFE now can import multi-curreny bills from FreeAgent.


- Minor improvements & bug fixes


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