Release Note for the release 18.11.2021
We are excited to release our latest update that will help improve your experience with CaFE and make budgeting and forecasting even easier.
These changes focus mainly on our budget planner for the Quick Cash Flow Plan and the Basic Budget.
What’s updated?
Monthly budget analysis
You can now see a summary for a particular month in the sales or cash flow plan by clicking any part of the chart or the month label in the chart or table. In the monthly analysis, you can compare actual and budget in a selected month.
When you click Show breakdown, more detailed information will be displayed. You can also see relevant transactions by clicking a link on a number in the table.
See here for more details.
Creating a new scenario (Copy and Update)
You can now create a new budget based on your base budget.
This feature would be helpful when you would like to simulate your budget in any different scenarios under certain conditions without creating a new one and updating all amounts from the beginning again.
To use this feature, just open the budget menu in the view mode on any budget that you want to copy from, and select 'Create new scenario'.
Improvement in contact management
- Creating a new contact within CaFE
Previously the only way to create a new contact was to create one in your accounting system and sync it.
You can now create a new contact inside CaFE freely without any action in your accounting system. (Don't worry, this won't affect your accounting system at all!)
Currently, this feature is available only in the Quick Cash Flow Plan or Basic Budget but a new contact will also be available in the Full Budget once it is created.
- Deleting contact
Previously, budget amounts were merged with 'Others' in 'Sales' or 'Cost of Sales' when contact was deleted.
You can now select whether it should be merged or simply removed from the current budget.
In addition, once any contact is deleted in a budget, it won't be included any longer when you create a new budget next time.
See here for more details about contact management.
Other changes in the Quick C/F plan and Basic budget
<View mode>
Only the chart will be shown by default for a quick glance at your budget and the table also shows the summary of 'Sales' and 'Cost of Sales' when you can click the 'Show details' link.
The table now also shows both actual and budget in the current month to check your progress quickly.
In addition, the Cash Flow Plan now shows 'Actual & Outstanding' balances in both the chart and table.
<Edit mode>
- Keyboard navigation
The keyboard navigation is now available on the main table in the edit mode so that you can update your budget more quickly like a classic spreadsheet. The performance is also improved drastically.
Learn more about keyboard navigation
- Export budget
Previously the export feature was available only in the view mode but it is now also available in the edit mode.
The difference is that a file exported in the edit mode includes budget amounts only while the one in view mode consists of actual and budget amounts.
- Expense budget calculation
Any fixed asset amounts will be now excluded from the auto calculation for 'Expenses (Cash-outs)' when a new budget is created.
Other changes
- Any old draft transactions will be now removed from cash projections if their accrue date is in past
- Quick shortcut to the budget planner on the summary page
- Minor bug fixes and improvements
- Performance enhancements
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